Sunday, August 7, 2011

Water & Oil x 7

On our last night, we had one final washing of the bridge with water and oil, and praying to bind up the evil and releasing the Kingdom. Coincidence that as we arrived, there was a gang of young people hanging out? We had never seen anyone under the bridge.

What should we do? Proceed? Wait for them to leave? We talked and prayed while waiting for Arnold to arrive, in case there was any trouble.

Finally, we decided to proceed, as there was no telling when Arnold would arrive, and some of us were mighty tired! We entered the darkness from the apparent safety of the street lamp. The young people laughed and mocked at first, and who knows what they said, but we washed, poured, prayed, and began writing Scriptures on the wall: “The Kingdom of God is at hand.” “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Rivers of living water will brim and spill out of the depths of anytone who believes in Me.”—Jesus (John 7:37)

Curious, one of the young ladies broke away from the pack and asked Melissa what she was writing. Another young lady joined her. They tried to engage Melissa to say profanities in Hungarian; Melissa didn’t take the bait, but kept her smile on.

Suddenly we heard a familiar voice with the young men—Arnold was here! He opened up conversation a little more for us; the young ladies asked him what Melissa’s words meant, and he challenged them: “You know English!” They studied the words for a while, and soon Facebook addresses were exchanged.

We continued to chat for a while, then they moved on. As we prayed to seal up all the work we had done under the bridge, and for its continued redemption, Arnold said, “I’m going to bring our young people down here every Friday night after worship!”

Our work under the bridge, largely silent and spiritual, was done.


  1. Catching up on your stories of your time in Hungary! Great seeing you and visiting with you! Bises, Debbie Z
