Framing done. Artwork stacked. Installation tools, wire and other assorted materials mostly packed. Final photos being printed out. Artists statements are through the first round of translation, ready for review tomorrow, and then on to the print shop. We have scaffolding and a table, and will buy some chicken wire tomorrow to create a hanging system.
We have a tentative plan of action to install, but will mostly have to figure it out when we get to the piazza on Saturday. Eder is monitoring the weather.
We still need an exhibit title--none of our suggestions are working in Italian.
Tomorrow we clean, pack, and debrief. Saturday morning we move. Then we go straight to the piazza in the first city to install, then the exhibit begins at 4:00 pm. Uninstall. Sunday move to L'Aquila for church, dinner, install in Piazza Duomo, and exhibit. Uninstall. Monday we leave. Whew!!!
We are seriously pushing through, and seriously tired. We can only hope for a good night's sleep...the dorms are VERY noisy into the wee hours, and earplugs can only do so much! Pray we run this last bit well, sleep well, and dream up a good title for this show!
it will all happen-prayers are rooting for you!